Penn Avenue C-Line
The C-Line is a new kind of bus service that will serve the downtown, North Minneapolis and Brooklyn Center Communities via Olson Highway and Penn Avenue. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a package of transit enhancements that adds up to a faster trip and an improved experience. This new bus service will include train like features with ticket machines at stations that will allow customers to purchase tickets before boarding. Buses will make fewer stops, significantly speeding up travel time, as well as providing more seats.
Penn Avenue C-Line BRT, Public Comment Period
Metro Transit recently released the recommended Penn avenue C-Line station plans, for public comment until March 11th, 2016. The recommended station plans include station locations recommended by Metro Transit, prior to Metropolitan Council Approval. After the conclusion of the recommended C-Line station plan comment period, Metropolitan Council will then review the comments and plans before approval in Spring 2016.
For Harrison residents and businesses, what would this route look like if it continued east/west on Glenwood avenue vs. Olson Memorial Highway?
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